My great KLAVITARA Zagreb Festival amazing friends-musicians and staff, Thanks so much for such an awesome and unforgettable event you made possible! From the deep of my heart, I'm really lucky and honored to know such amazing and over-the-top musicians and great friends as you are!! Dragianni, Emir Hot , Ivan Mihaljevic , Damjan Pejcinoski , Nicolas Quinteros , Marco Sfogli , Roger Staffelbach , Muris Varajic , Dino Fiorenza , John Macaluso , Titta Tani YOU ALL TOTALLY ROCKED THE STAGE!!! And I want to thank the huge, heavy and great job that my friends in the organization did to make this event real: Mr. Ladislav Racic from Rock Akademija, Ivan Puzak, Goran Babic, Guglielmo Malusardi, live4guitar. You all made it!! Sincerely, Mistheria
